- Editor, New Mexico Banker and New Mexico Building monthly magazines, Albuquerque, NM. Sole staff: editor, writer, photographer, copy editor, layout, proofreader — pre-computer days
- Writer, photographer for Stable Gossip, also Albuquerque, NM
- Editor, New Mexico Dressage Society newsletter
- Editor, New Mexico Conservation Coordinating Council newsletter (organization defunct since 1980s)
- Freelance magazine writer, specializing in space and Swiss newspapers
- Editor, The Bulletin, U.S. Science and Technology Policy Update (STEP UP) and U.S. Space Update, publications of the Embassy of Switzerland, Washington, D.C. (none of these publications exist now)
- Editor and Publisher, Space Update U.S.A. (short-lived, in mid-1990s)
- Editor/writer, International Dark-sky Association, Tucson, AZ
- Editor, volunteer newsletter for the VA Hospital, Tucson, AZ
- Editor (among many other duties) of quarterly newsletter, Literacy Volunteers of Tucson – This ended in June 2011.
- Freelance editor for space and other topics
- Freelance writer (and sometimes photographer) for space, art and other topics,
for Sonoran Arts Network.net (no longer published) and Zócalo (no longer published) as well as e.g.-Article: Desert Leaf magazine, January 2019, pp. 34-38, http://trendmag2.trendoffset.com/publication/?m=12024&l=1#{%22issue_id%22:553289,%22page%22:34} - Freelance copy editor / proofreader for two mystery writers (one current, one former)